Italian Legal Advice | Criminal law
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Criminal law

We assist our Clients in national criminal proceedings before the Ordinary and the Superior Courts. We assist the defendant and in particular who are accused of economic crimes (bankruptcy, corporate crime, money-laundering, breaches of Consolidated Law on Banking “D.Lgs. 385/1993” and breaches of Consolidated Law on Financial Intermediation “D.Lgs 58/1998”, environmental crimes, violations of  accident prevention rules and violations of occupational diseases regulation) and who is injured for the same crimes. We offer advice in the implementation of anti-money laundering requirements under the Legislative Decree n. 231/2007, assisting financial intermediaries in adopting the necessary actions to prevent crimes. We also provide assistance in the drafting of organisational models and in the revision of the existing models under the Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 as well as in the defence of employees and collaborators accused of crimes. We provide our clients with legal opinions with the purpose of prevent corporate transactions’ crimes.